It is an often mentioned fact that once you have decided you are ready to have a baby even nine months is too long to wait before you hold your bundle of joy. Pregnancy can be a beautiful thing (morning sickness aside) and it is such an intense experience that you think you will never forget a single thing about it. The truth, though, is that the minute you see your beautiful baby girl or boy every moment is so emotionally charged it makes it hard to remember the days before you were a parent. That is why it is so very important to take steps to document your pregnancy and safely save those first beautiful photos of your child in a baby ultrasound frame.
With increasingly amazing technology, baby ultrasounds have become more and more like early snapshots of your child. Gone are the days of alien looking blobs with indiscernible features. In some of the earliest ultrasounds during your 40 week pregnancy you can see eyes, ears, noses, mouths, baby sucking his or her thumb, and even gender. As things have gotten clearer, more and more people are saving their ultrasound photos. Think how wonderful it will be to sit down with your child when they are sixteen and show them that from the very first moment you were able to see them you wanted to save a photo memory. A baby ultrasound frame is both a stylish and safe way to save these photos.
Even more than normal printed photos, ultrasounds pictures are prone to fading and damage. They should never be laminated and should be photocopied with care. Extreme heat can and will damage ultrasound photos. For these reasons a baby ultrasound frame is ideal. If you purchase a frame specifically for this purpose it will have acid free matting and other materials. Acid free will guard against fading. Your photo is also much less likely to sustain damage if it is protected behind glass.
There are many places where you can purchase a baby ultrasound frame. Searching online will yield a plethora of websites. Some of the more popular are and Many specialty gift shops have recently begun carrying frames and they can also be found in Babies 'R Us and even Target!
Do not question if you should save your photo in a baby ultrasound frame. It would be very sad to look back and wish that you had. Whether cute, funny, beautiful, or whimsical there is a frame out there to fit your sensibility. Congratulations on your baby. Now get shopping!
Chona Mcnally is a simple mom who enjoys finding free stuff online. She also loves to share stuff that can make a pregnancy period an enjoyable and memorable one, and that includes having the baby sonogram in a baby ultrasound frame. You can find more mom and baby ideas at
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