You area happy future mom and can't wait to see your baby. The only opportunity to do it now is ultrasound diagnostic. You could have standard 2D ultrasound that will show your baby in white and back colors or find new 3D/4D technologies useful for you. These technologies will help you to find out what your baby's smile looks like, as well as to see who the baby looks like.
With the 3D ultrasound technique you will be able to see three dimensional images of your fetus like in 3D movie. The technique was developed in 1987 by Olaf von Ramm and Stephen Smith at Duke University.
3D ultrasound was actually invented to prevent fetal anomaly on the early stages of pregnancy. But today there is also popular usage of 3D ultrasound that allows future moms to see their babies in real projection before they are born. 4D baby scans are almost the same as 3D scans except that 4D shows fetal movement like a video clip.
Advancements in 3D ultrasound technology now allows parents, family and friends to watch with incredible real-time clarity as the unborn baby moves in the mother's womb.
The 3D/4D ultrasound images are viewed on a large screen, and are accompanied by the sounds of the baby's beating heart. Parents-to-be receive keepsake 3D photos and a DVD capturing their baby's ultrasound forever.
The best time to do 3D ultrasounds is 24-32 weeks, and ideally between 26 and 30 weeks. Some centers advise parents to come in between 26 and 28 weeks to get the best images.
After 32 weeks getting 3D images of the fetus is nearly impossible, because the baby is bigger there is less room so it is more difficult to get a nice image.
Is 3D ultrasound harmful? - There has been no medical harms to the mother or fetus directly attributed to 2D or 3D ultrasounds over the course of 30-year history of its medical use.
The risks of 3D ultrasound is the same as for 2D, as it uses the same ultrasound waves at the same intensity. 3D ultrasound images are actually 2D ultrasound images taken at various angles to construct a real appearance of the baby. So the potential risk of 3D ultrasounds, if any, would depend on the duration and intensity of the ultrasound session.
More information is available 3D Ultrasound Mississauga
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