2012年7月31日 星期二

Ultrasound Technician Training Courses

Ultrasound technician training is available for the associate's, bachelor's and undergraduate levels. The courses, which make up training, prepare students to read diagnostic scans, interact with patients and take x-rays.

Ultrasound Technician Training Courses

Concepts on Patient Care

The first course which aspiring technicians must take is concepts in patient care. In this course, essential communication skills are learnt as well as the examination of psychological, ethical and legal concerns that accompany a career in sonography. Typically, the study of medical terminology and a broad overview of some of the most common diagnostic imaging procedures (ultrasounds for blood vessel imaging) are also learned.

Human Physiology & Anatomy

A human physiology and anatomy course is typically taken in the first few semesters of a technician training program. This course focuses on examining ultrasound images, which appear on a screen, in order to identify various body parts, such as developing brains, kidneys, livers and thyroids. Often, this course includes a set amount of time dedicated to clinical experience, whereby students learn the practical applications of the study of anatomy and physiology.

Ultrasound Physics

This course is about the physical science behind acoustic physics, and there tends to be a focus on a specific type of sonography. Some of the specialities may include: diagnostic images, three-dimensional applications, sound transmission and the workings of ultrasound technology. Typically, students learn in a hands-on approach way, through operating and maintaining ultrasound machines.

Clinical Practicum

The final course that aspiring ultrasound technicians are required to take is a clinical practicum course. Students acquire practical experience by taking this course in a clinic, typically in a doctor's office or hospital, where they have the opportunity to interact with the nurse, doctors and patients based there. Students work in vascular, cardiac and general fields in order to understand how each branch of medicine uses diagnostic imaging practices. Typically, students learn how to monitor health issues and problems, such as the signs of stroke, cancer and blood clots.

Education Requirements

The aforementioned courses can be taken by enrolling in programs offered by universities, hospitals, community colleges and the U.S. military, which take 1-2 years to complete. Applicants are usually required to have a solid understanding of basic physics, algebra and natural sciences. It is vital that a student enrols in an ultrasound technician program that is fully accredited. The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education programs currently lists 176 ultrasound technician training programs in the United States that are suitable for aspiring technicians to enrol in.

Ultrasound Technician Training Specialities & Certification

The ARDMS (American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography) offers students the opportunity to sit various certification exams. Sitting one of these exams is highly recommended due to the fact that ultrasound technicians who hold certification have more opportunities for career advancement available to them.

Some of the specialities that the ARDMS offer include, neurosonology, abdominal ultrasound, gynaecologic sonography and obstetric.

In order to become certified, two exams must be passed. The general exam focuses on the areas of sonography principles, equipment and physics. The speciality exam focuses on the diseased or normal anatomy of the organs in the body.

Click here if you are thinking about becoming a technician to gain free access to a plethora of invaluable information and resources which can help you achieve your career goals.

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