An ultrasound technician is an educated and trained individual who works with hospitals and doctors by performing diagnostic procedures. These tests are very important in guiding doctors in their diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of their patient. The ultrasound machine which is utilized while performing these tests provides ultrasound waves that results in images of the inside of the human body. Ultrasound is a popular and widely used method and it is documented that there are no side effects for the patient.
Pregnant women undergo ultrasounds as part of their prenatal treatment. This enables the doctor to see the baby and follow its growth pattern, or be aware of any potential problems. Sometimes patients take home the "picture" of the baby in the womb. Ultrasound diagnostic has become favorable for testing to detect other serious conditions in patients.
While in the process of learning this technique a student has several options. There are several specialties to choose from, such as working toward a cardiac, general and vascular certification. It is the student's preference as to which specialty they choose. A sonographer will be employed by a hospital or clinic, and will be supervised by a cardiologist or radiologist, depending on their specialty.
A general sonography student will have been trained in imaging of different parts of the patient's body. Obstetrics is the area where ultrasounds are continuously being used. Images of the pelvic, thyroid and breast, along with other parts of the patient's body may be a part of this specialty
Vascular ultrasounds have increased in number. Some general sonographers will also be trained to perform a vascular ultrasound. These are ultrasounds involving view of the veins and arteries to determine the condition of the vessels and are important for doctors to form a correct opinion of the patient's heart condition.
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